Retour sur le succès de la journée annuelle du groupe d’affinité GRepSUM

The GrEPSUM day, held at the University of Montréal with the support of SENSUM, was a resounding success, bringing together researchers from various centers and faculties to discuss the progress and future prospects of research on Parkinson's disease. The scientific program for the day was rich, featuring 13 oral presentations and 10 poster presentations, covering varied topics such as ongoing clinical trials, the biobank of samples, and the use of brain imaging in the study of neurological disorders.


Roundtable. From left to right: Louis-Éric Trudeau, Michel Panisset, Ekat Kritikou, and Patricia Conrod.


One of the highlights of the event was the roundtable, which provided a platform to discuss the challenges and future opportunities for this affinity group. The four panelists, Louis-Éric Trudeau and Michel Panisset (Co-directors of GRePSUM), Ekat Kritikou (Vice Dean of Research and Development at the Faculty of Medicine) and Patricia Conrod (director of SENSUM), shared their thoughts with the audience on ways to strengthen Parkinson's research in the coming years, and to improve the structure and impact of the group. They highlighted the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration and philanthropic support, while discussing ways to structure existing forces in a more lasting manner and to create a center of excellence in Parkinson's at the University of Montréal.

The day concluded memorably with the Recognition Award presented to Dr. Lise Beaudet, associate professor at the Faculty of Nursing and regular researcher at the CHUM, whose contributions have significantly advanced research and clinical practice in this field.

Presentation of the Recognition Award to Lise Beaudet.

This day not only celebrated innovation and collaboration but also highlighted the steps to be taken to consolidate the future of research on Parkinson's disease at the University of Montréal.


This content has been updated on 13 May 2024 at 12 h 02 min.

