Séminaires et écoles d’été

SENSUM actively participates in scientific research in neuroscience and mental health by promoting scientific events for training, exchange, and collaboration.

Sleep and Mental Health: Summer School on Sleep from July 4 to 7, 2024

Amphithéâtre K-500 du pavillon Roger-Gaudry

The Quebec Sleep Research Network invites you to the first edition of its Summer School! This event will take place in the K-500 amphitheater of the Roger-Gaudry Pavilion at the University of Montreal and will focus on the relationship between sleep and mental health.

Date: July 4 to 7, 2024
Location: K-500 Amphitheater, Roger-Gaudry Pavilion, University of Montreal

Target audience:

This event is specifically aimed at students, research team members, researchers, physicians, and health and social services professionals who wish to deepen their knowledge on a topic related to sleep. We believe that this event could be of great interest to the students in your network!



  • July 4 at 7 pm: Public Lecture
  • Opening lecture by Dr. Steven Laureys: The Importance of Sleep for Individual Well-being (offered in French).
  • 17 lectures led by recognized specialists in the field (some in French, others in English).
  • Infographic competition to stimulate creativity and knowledge dissemination about sleep (submission deadline for a chance to win a prize: June 1, 2024).
  • Specialized training workshop on insomnia treatment.


  • Continuing Education: Recognized by the Order of Psychologists of Quebec (19.5 hours of continuing education for participants attending the entire Summer School).


  • Free, but mandatory for all participants.
  • Limited spots! Don't miss this unique opportunity.

🔗 Registration and details: Summer school 2024 – Sleep network (reseausommeil.ca)

This content has been updated on 27 May 2024 at 14 h 20 min.