
2024 Platform Support Grants (PSG)

High-impact research in neuroscience and mental health has always required skill, imagination, determination, and insight. Platforms also play a critical role in fostering innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration. As such, access to platforms is essential to address the evolving needs of research. 

Brain Canada has identified support for research platforms as a gap in the neuroscience research funding environment and the Platform Support Grants (PSG) program aims to continue addressing this critical gap. 

Brain Canada, through the Canada Brain Research Fund, has allocated $13 million dollars of federal funding to the 2024 Platform Support Grants program, to be matched by funding provided by sponsors secured by applicants for a total possible funding envelope of $26 million dollars. With this sponsored PSG funding opportunity, Brain Canada aims to assist sponsoring organizations, agencies, institutions, and individuals who wish to build capacity and develop or enhance research platforms in specific thematic and/or geographic areas. 

The Platform Support Grants program supports major research platforms at a local, regional, or national scale with the goal of providing enhanced technical and research capabilities to multiple investigators in the neurosciences. Through the 2024 Platform Support Grants program, researchers can apply for funding through one of two streams. 

Stream 1 

Will support platforms that are in development or already existing but that have never been funded through Brain Canada’s Platform Support Grants program. 

Stream 2 

Will support platforms that have previously received funding through Brain Canada’s Platform Support Grants program. 

Grants will be over three and a half (3.5) years, including a six (6) month administrative period; non-renewable. Total grant amounts are flexible to accommodate the needs of each platform. Historically, research grants awarded through the PSG program have ranged from $138,000 - $6.1 million (including matching funds) across the grant duration. 

Evidence clearly shows that increasing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in research environments enhances excellence, innovation, and creativity. Brain Canada is committed to excellence through equity, and we encourage applicants of diverse backgrounds to apply to our funding opportunities, which will promote the expression of diverse perspectives, approaches, and experiences, including those of underrepresented groups. 

For more information on the Platform Support Grants program, please consult the Request for Applications.    

Deadline for receipt of Registration Forms: July 24, 2024 at 17:00 EST 

Deadline for Receipt of Full Applications: September 20, 2024 at 17:00 EST 

Should you have any questions, please contact  

This program has been made possible by the Canada Brain Research Fund (CBRF), an innovative arrangement between the Government of Canada (through Health Canada) and Brain Canada Foundation.   


Bilateral Collaborative Research Program Federation Wallonia-Brussels – Quebec: Upcoming 4th Call for Proposals

After the success of the first three editions in 2016, 2018, and 2021, the Federation Wallonia-Brussels and Quebec are relaunching their collaborative research program. A 4th call for proposals will open on July 26, 2024, by the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) and the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ).

Program Description: The main objective of this program is to promote the advancement of research through intersectoral and international collaborations. A maximum of six joint research projects will be funded. The grant amounts are as follows:

  • FNRS: up to a maximum of €82,500 per year for 3 years
  • FRQ: up to a maximum of CAD $100,000 per year for 3 years

Eligibility Criteria: Teams must be composed of at least three members: one principal investigator from the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, one principal investigator from Quebec, and one co-investigator from Quebec. This call for proposals is open to university researchers, clinical researchers, college researchers, and other research statuses. Quebec teams must include members whose research fields and expertise cover at least two of the FRQ's research sectors: Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Engineering (SNMG); Social Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Letters (SSHAL); and Life Sciences and Health.


  • Pre-proposals: September 25, 2024, 2:00 PM (Brussels) and 4:00 PM (Montreal)

    • Eligible pre-proposals will be evaluated by a joint peer review committee. Only the top 25 ranked pre-proposals will be invited to submit a full proposal.
  • Proposals: February 18, 2025, 2:00 PM (Brussels) and 4:00 PM (Montreal)

    • By invitation only

Submission Process: All documents must be submitted on the FNRS project submission platform (e-space) by the project promoter from the Federation Wallonia-Brussels. An FRQnet administrative form accessible under the Health sector portfolio will also be required for Quebec teams. More information is available on the FRQ and FNRS websites.


  • Florence Quist

    • Senior Scientific Advisor
    • F.R.S.-FNRS
    • +32 2 504 93 51
  • Maxime Beaudoin

    • Program Manager
    • Fonds de recherche du Québec - Health sector
    • 514 873-2114 ext. 4369

FNFR - Exploration (Interdisciplinary Research)

The objective of the Exploration stream is to encourage high-risk, high-reward interdisciplinary research. Projects can focus on domains, themes, approaches, and disciplines eligible for funding from the three granting agencies (NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR). Exploration grants support projects that:

  • Bring together diverse disciplines beyond traditional disciplinary or current interdisciplinary approaches;
  • Propose to explore the novel but may fail;
  • Could have significant impacts.

Funding and Duration: Up to $125,000 (including indirect costs) per year, maximum 2 years

Key Dates:

  • Internal Notice of Intent: August 22
  • FNFR Notice of Intent: August 27
  • Internal Application Submission: October 31
  • FNFR Application Submission: November 5
  • Results Announcement: March 31, 2025

Selection Criteria: Indicators of merit in the evaluation process:

FAQ | Notice of Intent Preparation Guide | Application Submission Guide

NSERC - Discovery Horizons (Intersectoral Research)

This program will support individual or team interdisciplinary research projects.


  • Address SNG research questions best tackled through an interdisciplinary approach;
  • Promote SNG disciplines through the productive exchange of ideas and new ways of addressing questions, ideas, and research frameworks; approaches and methods; platforms, tools, and infrastructures; and people, partners, and trainees;
  • Provide cutting-edge SNG training for highly qualified personnel working in interdisciplinary research environments.

Funding and Duration: $50,000 to $100,000 per year, maximum 5 years

Key Dates:

  • Optional Review of Notice of Intent by BRDV: June 10
  • Submission of Notice of Intent on Convergence Portal: June 14 (no institutional approval required)
  • Submission of Invited Applications: October 18 (internal deadline: October 16)

Important: A person (applicant or co-applicant) cannot simultaneously hold a Discovery Grant and a Discovery Horizons Grant. Additionally, they can only apply to one of the two grant programs.

Instructions for the Notice of Intent

Funding Opportunity: Applying Neuroscience to Understand Symptoms of Anxiety, Depression, and Psychosis - Wellcome Grant

Description: This grant will fund innovative projects that combine computational and experimental neuroscience approaches to improve the understanding of anxiety, depression, and psychosis symptoms. Proposals must include both computational and experimental components, and involve mental health practitioners as well as individuals with lived experience.

Funding amount: £2 to £5 million per project team

Duration: 3 to 5 years

Key Deadlines:

  • Scope verification: July 9, 2024

  • Application deadline: July 23, 2024

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Research teams from any relevant discipline, based anywhere in the world (except mainland China).
  • Encouragement for diverse and interdisciplinary teams.

Essential Proposal Components:

  • Symptom-based approach rather than diagnostic categories.

  • Inclusion of both experimental and computational components.

  • Collaboration plan involving mental health practitioners and lived experience experts.

Application Process:

  • Register via the Wellcome funding platform.

  • Participate in networking events and webinars to learn more about the call.

For more information, visit the Wellcome website and sign up for upcoming events.

Call for Collaborative Brain Research Projects

An initiative by CQDM and Brain Canada Foundation UP TO $4 MILLION AVAILABLE TO SUPPORT COLLABORATIVE BRAIN RESEARCH Deadline for complete application submission: August 15, 2024 (Note: You must notify CQDM of your intention to submit a proposal by August 8, 2024, at the latest)

Brain Canada Foundation (Brain Canada) and CQDM are joining forces to support interprovincial collaborative biopharmaceutical research and development (R&D) projects on the brain. This partnership creates a unique funding mechanism to bring together experts from academia and industry to support the development of platforms, tools, and biopharmaceutical products that will pave the way for new advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of brain disorders.

GENERAL FRAMEWORK This CQDM and Brain Canada initiative focuses on brain research relevant to biopharmaceutical applications. This initiative aims to:

  • Increase research collaborations and partnerships between universities and companies working in the life sciences ecosystem in Quebec and other Canadian provinces and territories to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of brain disorders.

  • Enable technological maturation and industrial value creation to generate economic benefits for project stakeholders, Quebec, and the rest of Canada;

  • Contribute to the valorization of knowledge, know-how, and new technologies developed in public institutions and their transfer to industry.

EQUITY, DIVERSITY, AND INCLUSION It is well established that excellence, innovation, and creativity are promoted when equity, diversity, and inclusion are increased. In this spirit, CQDM and Brain Canada Foundation are committed to promoting excellence through equity and encourage candidates from diverse backgrounds to participate in this competition. This approach fosters the expression of diverse perspectives, approaches, and experiences, including those of underrepresented groups.

More info :

FRQSC - Concerted Action - Research Program on Families and Living Environments that Promote Their Well-being

The Research Program on Families and Living Environments that Promote Their Well-being, in partnership with the Ministry of Family, invites the scientific community to respond to this call for proposals. The main goal is to improve knowledge on autonomous family community action (ACAF).

Funding and Duration: $325,000 (excluding FIR, 27% of the funding amount), maximum 3 years

Key Dates:

  • Pre-application submission: August 28, 4:00 PM
  • Application submission: November 13, 4:00 PM
  • Results announcement: January 20, 2025

Pre-applications must demonstrate their capacity to meet the research needs outlined in the call for proposals by covering the following two axes:

  1. ACAF in the lives of families
  2. ACAF in the family support ecosystem

Consult the call for proposals for competition and funding rules. The electronic form will be available in the "Available Competitions" section of your FRQnet Electronic Portfolio.

Contacts: Valérie Beausoleil and Karine Gendron, FRQ program officers

IVADO Exploratory Projects Program 2024

No deadline

IVADO is launching a competition for researchers working on exploratory projects related to the development of artificial intelligence (AI). An exploratory project is a small or medium-scale, creative, innovative, and bold research project, ideally intersectoral or interdisciplinary, allowing the exploration of new ideas related to the IAR3 initiative.

The general description of the IAR3 initiative, New Paradigms for Robust, Reasoning, and Responsible Artificial Intelligence and Its Adoption, and its scientific framework is available on the Canada First Research Excellence Fund website.

The Exploratory Projects Program will support researchers making an innovative and bold contribution to the advancement and expansion of IAR3 research themes. It will offer support for the development of their exploratory research projects, particularly by funding graduate students and postdoctoral fellows working on these projects.

The Exploratory Projects Program encourages new collaborations between researchers working in sectors or fields related to the IVADO Groupings themes. Projects developed on emerging themes, that is, other than those of the IVADO Groupings (e.g., quantum physics and AI or music and AI), are also encouraged, as long as they align with IVADO's mission.


  • Support cutting-edge exploratory research by funding creative, innovative, and bold projects, ideally intersectoral or interdisciplinary. Projects can also be training or partnership projects.
  • Support AI projects, on AI, or with AI.
  • Allow exploration of avant-garde ideas related to and/or on the margins of IAR3.
  • Encourage new collaborations between researchers from different sectors or disciplines and different institutions.
  • Encourage projects led by and/or involving members of underrepresented groups, promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Funding and Duration: Maximum $100,000 for 1 year.

Application Process:

  • Submission of the letter of intent: At any time.
  • Result (letter of intent): 4 weeks after submission. Elimination stage.
  • Submission of the complete application: At any time.
  • Result (complete application): 6-7 weeks after submission.

Exploratory projects must be led by a team composed of at least two professors, with the principal investigator being from the Université de Montréal, Polytechnique Montréal, HEC Montréal, Université Laval, or McGill University. Professors from other universities in Quebec, Canada, or abroad can be co-investigators.

The principal investigator must:

  • Be a regular faculty member at HEC Montréal, Polytechnique Montréal, Université de Montréal, Université Laval, or McGill University;
  • Hold one of the following eligible positions: assistant professor, associate professor, full professor.

It is expected that research teams reflect different career levels, allowing collaboration between established and emerging researchers.

More Information

Mitacs Funding Opportunities for the Student Community

No deadline: 12 programs available

Joint SSHRC-Mitacs Initiative

Coming soon: Researchers applying for a Partnership Engagement Grant can simultaneously apply for an internship under the Mitacs Accelerate initiative through a new joint application and evaluation process.

Where to find eligibility criteria and application package? Contact your Mitacs representative who will send you the information as soon as it is available.


  • Representative for DIRO and DMS: Laurent-David Beaulieu.
  • Representative for the faculties of Arts and Sciences, Environmental Design, Music, Law, Education: Anaïs Détolle.
  • Representative for the faculties or schools of Pharmacy, Medicine, Dentistry, Veterinary Medicine, Public Health, Nursing, Optometry: Visou Ady.

This content has been updated on 16 July 2024 at 13 h 55 min.