Oury Monchi

Full Professor
Department of Radiology, Radio-oncology and Nuclear Medicine
University of Montreal

Oury Monchi is a Full Professor at the University of Montreal's Faculty of Medicine's Department of Radiology, Radio-oncology and Nuclear Medicine. Since 2018,  he is the director of the Canadian-Open Parkinson Network, a platform funded by Brain-Canada and Parkinson Canada. Since November of 2021, professor Monchi is the scientific director of the Montreal University Institute of Geriatrics.

Experienced researcher, he works today to understand the non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's such as cognitive or neuropsychiatric problems to rapidly predict the apparition of dementia.

Professor Monchi's laboratory is a pioneer in the use of different neuroimaging techniques to study the origins and the evolution of non-motor deficits (such as cognitive and neuropsychiatric deficits) of Parkinson's. Its ultimate goal is the early prediction of dementia. Therapies that do not use medicine such as magnetic skull stimulation and low intensity focalised ultrasound are also studied. The methods used include functional and anatomical MRI, TMS, LiFU, neuropsychological evaluations, genotyping and machine learning.

This content has been updated on 15 May 2024 at 15 h 18 min.