Pierrette Gaudreau is a full professor at the University of Montreal's Department of Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine. Professor Gaudreau directs since 2010 the Quebec Network for Research on Aging that has today more than 400 members. She also directs the neuroendocrinology of aging laboratory at the CHUM.
At the crossroads of neuroscience and cognition, endocrinology and nutrition, her work aim to shine a light on the central and peripheral molecular mechanisms that contribute to aging healthily. She is also interested to health predictive biomarkers during aging.
The originality of her research resides in the study of aging animal models and of the elderly relative to their neuroendocrinological, metabolically and cognitive health primarily focused on the influence of diet as a successful determinant of aging.
She has an expertise on the characterization, the function and the regulation of the pituitary and renal receptor of the liberation hormone of the growth hormone and its isoforms, the study of regulation mechanisms of the hypothalamic-pirtuitary somatotropic axis with the help of a successful aging animal model (nutritional or hormonal interventions): molecular, cellular and functional approaches. Longitudinal study of an elderly cohort on nutrition as a successful determinant of aging including nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics.
This content has been updated on 15 May 2024 at 15 h 23 min.