Sophie Bergeron

Full Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Montreal

Sophie Bergeron is a professor for the Department of Psychology of the Montreal's University Faculty of Arts and Science. She is chairholder for the Canadian research chair of level 1 on intimate relationships and sexual wellbeing. She directs the interdisciplinary reserach centre on intimate realtionship problems and sexual abuse (CRIPCAS) - a strategic regroupment FRQSC, as well as the team SCOUP sexuality & couples and the Sexual Health Laboratory. Her work are about the psychosocial determinants of individual's and couple's sex health as well as the treatment of sexual dysfunctions. Her research results have led to the development of intervention groups and couple encouraged by probative data. Her studies are financed by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council.

This content has been updated on 15 May 2024 at 15 h 24 min.