Stéphane Guay

Full Professor
Department of Psychology
Department of Psychiatry and Addictology
University of Montreal

Stephane Guay is a Full Professor at the School of Criminology and at the Department of Psychiatry and addictology.

He is also a psychologist and director for the University Institute of Mental Health and co-director of the Study Centre for Trauma.

His research work are mainly about evaluating efficiency of different evaluation methods and psychological and pharmacological treatments of post-trauma stress disorder (PTSD). His research work articulate around 3 axis:

A first research axis interests itself to victims of violent acts in a work environment, particularly on the take in charge of workers according to psychological, social and organizational perspectives. A second research axis is on the evaluation, the prevention and the treatment of traumatic events in victims of violent acts (e.g. physical and sexual harassment, being the witness of those acts, death threats, etc.). A third axis focuses on research strategies on help, the effects of social media members' reactions on the victim's mental health, as well as the development of instruments allowing measures of a support process.

This content has been updated on 16 July 2024 at 13 h 09 min.