Funding opportunity: Bilateral Collaborative Research Program Federation Wallonia-Brussels – Quebec
25 September 2024
Bilateral Collaborative Research Program Federation Wallonia-Brussels – Quebec: Upcoming 4th Call for Proposals
After the success of the first three editions in 2016, 2018, and 2021, the Federation Wallonia-Brussels and Quebec are relaunching their collaborative research program. A 4th call for proposals will open on July 26, 2024, by the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) and the Fonds de Recherche du Québec (FRQ).
Program Description: The main objective of this program is to promote the advancement of research through intersectoral and international collaborations. A maximum of six joint research projects will be funded. The grant amounts are as follows:
- FNRS: up to a maximum of €82,500 per year for 3 years
- FRQ: up to a maximum of CAD $100,000 per year for 3 years
Eligibility Criteria: Teams must be composed of at least three members: one principal investigator from the Federation Wallonia-Brussels, one principal investigator from Quebec, and one co-investigator from Quebec. This call for proposals is open to university researchers, clinical researchers, college researchers, and other research statuses. Quebec teams must include members whose research fields and expertise cover at least two of the FRQ's research sectors: Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and Engineering (SNMG); Social Sciences, Humanities, Arts and Letters (SSHAL); and Life Sciences and Health.
- Pre-proposals: September 25, 2024, 2:00 PM (Brussels) and 4:00 PM (Montreal)
- Eligible pre-proposals will be evaluated by a joint peer review committee. Only the top 25 ranked pre-proposals will be invited to submit a full proposal.
- Proposals: February 18, 2025, 2:00 PM (Brussels) and 4:00 PM (Montreal)
- By invitation only
Submission Process: All documents must be submitted on the FNRS project submission platform (e-space) by the project promoter from the Federation Wallonia-Brussels. An FRQnet administrative form accessible under the Health sector portfolio will also be required for Quebec teams. More information is available on the FRQ and FNRS websites.
- Florence Quist
- Senior Scientific Advisor
- +32 2 504 93 51
- Maxime Beaudoin
- Program Manager
- Fonds de recherche du Québec - Health sector
- 514 873-2114 ext. 4369
This content has been updated on 18 June 2024 at 12 h 50 min.