Programme subvention

Calendar Évènements Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention

2024 Platform Support Grants (PSG)

High-impact research in neuroscience and mental health has always required skill, imagination, determination, and insight. Platforms also play a critical role in fostering innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration. As such, access to platforms is essential to address the evolving needs of research. Brain Canada has identified support for research platforms as a gap in the neuroscience […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention

Funding opportunity: Bilateral Collaborative Research Program Federation Wallonia-Brussels – Quebec

Bilateral Collaborative Research Program Federation Wallonia-Brussels – Quebec: Upcoming 4th Call for Proposals After the success of the first three editions in 2016, 2018, and 2021, the Federation Wallonia-Brussels and Quebec are relaunching their collaborative research program. A 4th call for proposals will open on July 26, 2024, by the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Nouvelles Programme subvention

Collaboration Opportunity with Lund University (LU), Sweden

Swedish University invites research teams from the Université de Montréal to co-apply for "Get Started" funding. This funding is aimed at encouraging collaboration between researchers from LU in Sweden and selected partner universities in countries newly associated or soon to be associated with Horizon Europe. While LU researchers are the primary applicants, the funds are […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention Subvention

Funding opportunity: Suicide Prevention Research Program

Do you want to contribute to suicide prevention by fostering a better understanding of the phenomenon and helping to identify the most effective actions and the most innovative or promising practices? Submit your proposals as part of the Action concertée competition dedicated to this societal issue. The proposals must demonstrate their ability to meet the […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention Subvention

Funding opportunity: IVADO Exploratory Projects Program 2024

No deadline IVADO is launching a competition for researchers working on exploratory projects related to the development of artificial intelligence (AI). An exploratory project is a small or medium-scale, creative, innovative, and bold research project, ideally intersectoral or interdisciplinary, allowing the exploration of new ideas related to the IAR3 initiative. The general description of the […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention Subvention

Funding opportunity: FRQSC - Concerted Action - Research Program on Families and Living Environments that Promote Their Well-being

The Research Program on Families and Living Environments that Promote Their Well-being, in partnership with the Ministry of Family, invites the scientific community to respond to this call for proposals. The main goal is to improve knowledge on autonomous family community action (ACAF). Funding and Duration: $325,000 (excluding FIR, 27% of the funding amount), maximum […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention Subvention

Call for Collaborative Brain Research Projects

An initiative by CQDM and Brain Canada Foundation UP TO $4 MILLION AVAILABLE TO SUPPORT COLLABORATIVE BRAIN RESEARCH Deadline for complete application submission: August 15, 2024 (Note: You must notify CQDM of your intention to submit a proposal by August 8, 2024, at the latest) Brain Canada Foundation (Brain Canada) and CQDM are joining forces […] Read more

Calendar Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention Subvention

Funding Opportunity: Applying Neuroscience to Understand Symptoms of Anxiety, Depression, and Psychosis - Wellcome Grant

Description: This grant will fund innovative projects that combine computational and experimental neuroscience approaches to improve the understanding of anxiety, depression, and psychosis symptoms. Proposals must include both computational and experimental components, and involve mental health practitioners as well as individuals with lived experience. Funding amount: £2 to £5 million per project team Duration: 3 […] Read more

Calendar Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention Subvention

NSERC - Discovery Horizons (Intersectoral Research)

This program will support individual or team interdisciplinary research projects. Objectives: Address SNG research questions best tackled through an interdisciplinary approach; Promote SNG disciplines through the productive exchange of ideas and new ways of addressing questions, ideas, and research frameworks; approaches and methods; platforms, tools, and infrastructures; and people, partners, and trainees; Provide cutting-edge SNG […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention Subvention

Funding opportunity: FNFR - Exploration (Interdisciplinary Research)

The objective of the Exploration stream is to encourage high-risk, high-reward interdisciplinary research. Projects can focus on domains, themes, approaches, and disciplines eligible for funding from the three granting agencies (NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR). Exploration grants support projects that: Bring together diverse disciplines beyond traditional disciplinary or current interdisciplinary approaches; Propose to explore the novel but […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Nouvelles Programme subvention

Atelier de préparation des subventions à la découverte 2025

This content is not available in the selected language. Le BRDV et la FAS organisent un atelier sur le programme découverte 2025. Cet atelier réunira des professeurs de l’UdeM ayant siégé à des comités d’évaluation du CRSNG pour vous donner des trucs et astuces pour une demande gagnante. Vous aurez aussi l’opportunité d’échanger avec eux. […] Read more

Nouvelles Programme subvention Subvention

Government of Canada Announces Renewed Funding for Brain Canada !

On May 31, 2024, the Government of Canada announced renewed funding for the Brain Canada Foundation, with a commitment of $80 million over four years. This initiative aims to support innovative research and collaborations in brain health to better understand and treat neurological diseases, ultimately improving the quality of life for Canadians.   May 31, […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Nouvelles Programme subvention

Séance d’information : Chercheurs-boursiers

This content is not available in the selected language. Programmes des chercheur(se)s-boursier(ère)s du FRQS – Concours 2025-2026 (dépôt automne 2024) Le personnel du Bureau Recherche – Développement – Valorisation (BRDV) offre une séance d’information pour le prochain concours des programmes des chercheurs-boursiers et chercheuses-boursières du FRQS (programme régulier et programme pour clinicien(ne)s). Cette séance en […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention

Atelier de préparation des subventions à la découverte 2025

This content is not available in the selected language. Le BRDV et la FAS organisent un atelier sur le programme découverte 2025. Cet atelier réunira des professeurs de l’UdeM ayant siégé à des comités d’évaluation du CRSNG pour vous donner des trucs et astuces pour une demande gagnante. Vous aurez aussi l’opportunité d’échanger avec eux. […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Nouvelles Programme subvention

Funding opportunity: FNFR - Exploration (Interdisciplinary Research)

FNFR - Exploration (Interdisciplinary Research) The objective of the Exploration stream is to encourage high-risk, high-reward interdisciplinary research. Projects can focus on domains, themes, approaches, and disciplines eligible for funding from the three granting agencies (NSERC, SSHRC, CIHR). Exploration grants support projects that: Bring together diverse disciplines beyond traditional disciplinary or current interdisciplinary approaches; Propose […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention

Funding opportunity : NSERC - Discovery Horizons (Intersectoral Research)

NSERC - Discovery Horizons (Intersectoral Research) This program will support individual or team interdisciplinary research projects. Objectives: Address SNG research questions best tackled through an interdisciplinary approach; Promote SNG disciplines through the productive exchange of ideas and new ways of addressing questions, ideas, and research frameworks; approaches and methods; platforms, tools, and infrastructures; and people, […] Read more

Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention

Funding opportunity: Applying Neuroscience to Understand Symptoms of Anxiety, Depression, and Psychosis

Title: Applying Neuroscience to Understand Symptoms of Anxiety, Depression, and Psychosis Description: This award will fund innovative projects combining computational and experimental neuroscience approaches to improve the understanding of symptoms of anxiety, depression, and psychosis. Proposals must include computational and experimental components, and involve mental health practitioners as well as individuals with lived experience. Funding […] Read more

Scholarships Calendar Nouvelles Programme subvention

Opportunité de financement de la Weston Family Foundation : développement de thérapeutiques ou outils pour le diagnostic, la prévention et le traitement des maladies neurodégénératives liées à l’âge

This content is not available in the selected language. La Weston Family Foundation, via le Weston Brain Institute, propose le programme “Rapid Response 2024” pour accélérer le développement de thérapeutiques ou outils pour le diagnostic, la prévention et le traitement des maladies neurodégénératives liées à l’âge. Les projets peuvent recevoir jusqu’à 300 000 $ sur […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention

Webinaire information Programme Horizon Europe (Pilier II) – Jeudi 28 mars à 10h

This content is not available in the selected language. Jeudi 28 mars à 10h Cet évènement aura pour objectif de présenter quelques enjeux pratiques sur le programme Horizon Europe et les opportunités de subventions. Au cours d’un webinaire d’information, Yves Joanette, Vice-recteur adjoint à la Recherche, Donald Tremblay (Directeur) et Julia Pagé-Daigneault ( conseillère à […] Read more

Calendar Évènements Nouvelles Programme subvention

Webinaire information Programme Horizon Europe (Pilier II) le 28 mars 2024

This content is not available in the selected language. Le 28 mars 2024 prochain entre 10h et 11h, un webinaire d’information aura lieu sur les opportunités de financement du programme Horizon Europe (Pilier II). Cette activité est organisée par Julia Pagé-Daigneault (Conseillère à la recherche pour l’international) et Donald Tremblay (Directeur) du Bureau de la recherche, du […] Read more

Calendar Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention Subvention

Brain Canada – Subventions Momentum

This content is not available in the selected language. Thématique : Neurosciences Objectifs : Fournir aux jeunes chercheurs des fonds pour soutenir et accélérer leurs recherches en cours, leur permetant ainsi de capitaliser sur l’élan initial généré par leur financement de démarrage. Montant et durée : Maximum 200 000 $ par projet (5 subventions seront accordées), pour maximum 2 […] Read more

Calendar Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention

Programme ERA-NET NEURON 2024

This content is not available in the selected language. Objectifs : L’objectif de l’appel est de faciliter les projets de recherche multinationaux et collaboratifs qui aborderont des questions translationnelles et cliniques cruciales afin d’améliorer nos connaissances sur le rôle des interactions bidirectionnelles entre le système nerveux central et le corps dans la genèse et la progression […] Read more

Calendar Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention

IRSC – Subvention Projet – Concours du Printemps 2024

This content is not available in the selected language. Thématiques : Recherche en santé Objectifs : Financer un portefeuille diversifié de propositions de recherche en santé et d’application des connaissances à toutes les étapes de leur réalisation, de la découverte à l’application, en incluant la commercialisation; Faciliter la collaboration entre disciplines, professions et secteurs; Favoriser la création […] Read more

Financement Nouvelles Programme subvention Subvention

Inven_T : Appel à projets – Soutien à la cocréation pour l’implantation et la diffusion de l’innovation sociale et technosociale

This content is not available in the selected language. Appel à projets Inven_T RÉALISER – Soutien à la cocréation pour l’implantation et la diffusion de l’innovation sociale ou technosociale Subvention d’une durée de 1 an Subvention maximum par projet : 100 000$ Date limite de l’appel : 16 février 2024 Avis d’intérêt : par courriel, au minimum […] Read more

Nouvelles Programme subvention

Appel de propositions : projets de recherche exploitant les biomarqueurs des Banques NuAge

This content is not available in the selected language. Les Banques de données et d’échantillons biologiques de l’Étude longitudinale québécoise sur la nutrition comme déterminant d’un vieillissement réussi (Banques NuAge), en partenariat avec le Fonds de recherche du Québec – Santé (FRQS), et le Réseau québécois de recherche sur le vieillissement (RQRV), invitent la communauté […] Read more