Tania Lecomte is a Full Professor in the Department of Psychology in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the University of Montreal. She is the director of the Canadian Network for Research in Schizophrenia and Psychoses and the ESPOIR Laboratory (lespoir.ca).
Her work aims to improve treatments and services for individuals with severe mental illness (SMI), particularly psychotic disorders. She develops and validates new tools and interventions for this population.
Measurement instruments developed or validated by her team:
- CASIG (Client Assessment of Strengths, Interests, and Goals)
- FESFS (First Episode Social Functioning Scale)
- SERS-SF (Self-Esteem Rating Scale Short-Form)
- French versions: brief NEO-PI, Cognitive Bias Questionnaire, SAQ-A30 (Social Anxiety Questionnaire), PTS-Q (Personal Therapist Style Questionnaire)
Therapies or interventions developed and validated (or ongoing):
- Je suis Super (self-esteem group)
- CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy group for psychosis)
- AVEC (Accompany, Validate, Exchange, Understand – CBT group for parents of individuals with a psychotic disorder)
- CAP (group or individual - compassion, acceptance, and mindfulness)
- CBT-SE (CBT group for employment support)
- CBT for better mental health at work (CBT group for work-related depression)
- À deux c’est mieux (relationship group)
- Chilltime (mobile app for emotional regulation related to substance abuse)
Areas of interest related to SMI, schizophrenia, psychosis, or depression:
- Social cognition/metacognition
- Interpersonal relationships (loneliness, romantic relationships, social network)
- Comorbid disorders (substance abuse, social anxiety, personality disorder)
- Insight
- Childhood trauma
- Educational and professional integration
- Best practices: implementation, training, expertise, competence
Methodologies used:
- Experimental or quasi-experimental studies
- Randomized clinical trials
- Longitudinal studies (trajectories, A-B-A, EMA (ecological momentary assessment), diaries, or repeated single-subject protocols (intra-subject))
- Qualitative studies (grounded theory, phenomenological, thematic, focus groups)
- Meta-analyses, meta-reviews (GRADE)
- New technologies (mobile apps, teletherapy, virtual reality)
This content has been updated on 16 July 2024 at 13 h 14 min.