Marc Lanovaz

Associate Professor
School of Psychoeducation
University of Montreal

Marc Lanovaz is an associate professor at the School of Psychoeducation of the University of Montreal’s Faculty of Arts and Science. He is a researcher in the analysis of behaviour and in psychoeducation. His work focus on the use of artificial intelligence and technology to improve the behavioural interventions dispensed for people who have an intellectual deficiency and/or an autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

More precisely, Marc Lanovaz’s research interests mainly centre around 3 axes. The first axis of research is interested in the use of technology to support social workers and families in the reduction of problematic behaviour in people who have an intellectual deficiency or ASD. The 2nd axis aims to develop interventions to optimise learning concepts and functional abilities in these populations. His last axis wants to develop has as a goal to use artificial intelligence to facilitate decision making in a practical context. In general, his work adopts a behavioural approach that aims to facilitate integration and social participation of people who have developmental difficulties.

His current research centres focus on autism, intellectual deficiency, behavioural intervention, AI, technological supports and help to decisions made in clinics.

This content has been updated on 13 March 2024 at 23 h 25 min.