Simona Maria Brambati

Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
University of Montreal

Simona Maria Brambati is an associate professor for the Department of Psychology of the Montreal's University's Faculty of Arts and Science.

Since 2011, she directs the LINGUA laboratory. Her research activity are in the language neuroscience field. She works with dementia patients or patients who have suffered from a stroke. Her research is about the analysis of spontaneous speech in aging populations who are healthy and some that have demantia (Alzheimer, primary progressive aphasia) and studies the dynamic between speech recovery in subjects who suffer from primary progressive aphasia after a stroke.

She exploits structural neuroimaging, functional techniques, perfusion techniques and different magnetic resonance imaging approaches and AI to investigate the neuronal basis on speech troubles. Her research is funded by the Canadian Alzherimer society, Heart and Stroke foundation, FRQS and the Canada Foundation for Innovation.

This content has been updated on 15 May 2024 at 15 h 24 min.